Our products for combine harvesting
![[Translate to Englisch:] Radur-Sektionalmesser](/fileadmin/images/Produkte/radura-sektionalmesser.jpg)
Sectional knife
Radura sectional knives consist of individual sections with a maximum length of 2.60 m. They can therefore be transported in smaller vehicles and stored easily.
All the parts are screwed rather than riveted. Hence, the knives or entire sections can be exchanged quickly and easily. The sectional knives are available for all established forged systems.
![[Translate to Englisch:] Radura-Mähmesserklinge-genietet](/fileadmin/images/Produkte/radura-maehmesser-genietet.jpg)
One-piece, riveted knife
Riveted one-piece Radura knives are available in various versions and with various knife heads. They are available for all established forged systems.
![[Translate to Englisch:] Radura-Mähmesserklinge-fein](/fileadmin/images/Produkte/radura-maehmesserklinge_fein.jpg)
![[Translate to Englisch:] Radura-Mähmesserklinge-unten-gezahnt](/fileadmin/images/Produkte/radura-maehmesserklingen-unten-gezahnt.jpg)
![[Translate to Englisch:] Radura-Mähmesserklinge-glatt](/fileadmin/images/Produkte/radura-maehmesserklinge-glatt.jpg)
Knife section
The cutting edges of the Radura knife sections are inductively hardened and allow a very high cutting performance. They feature a high breaking margin in the area of the mounting holes.
The sections are available with the following tooth shapes:
- top serrated, bottom serrated and smooth
- fine, coarse and extra coarse toothing
- individual surface treatment
- screwed or riveted
![[Translate to Englisch:] Radura-Mähfinger](/fileadmin/images/Produkte/radura-maehfinger.jpg)
Forged guard
The Radura forged guard offers high wear resistance and stability.
Exact clearances keep the knife in the correct position.
![[Translate to Englisch:] Radura-Strohhäckslermesser-3-Seiten-gezahnt](/fileadmin/images/Produkte/radura-strohhaeckslermesser3gezahnt.jpg)
![[Translate to Englisch:] Radura Strohhäckslermesser glatt](/fileadmin/images/Produkte/radura-strohhaeckslermesser-glatt.jpg)
![[Translate to Englisch:] Radura Strohhäckslermesser 2 Seiten gezahnt](/fileadmin/images/Produkte/radura-strohhaeckslermesser-2gezahnt.jpg)
Straw chopper knife
Due to the cold-rolled and inductively hardened cutting edges, the Radura straw chopper knives have high life expectancies. The narrow weight tolerances warrant smooth running.
The straw chopper knives are available for all combine harvesters in the following variants: serrated and smooth models, also with head wate. The counter blades are also available as smooth or serrated models.